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产品描述:Description ◎纤维喷涂炉衬是在传统陶瓷纤维应用技术的基础上,借鉴耐火材料粉料、粒料喷射工艺发展起来的一种陶瓷纤维应用技术,是陶瓷纤维经专用喷涂设备处理,用高压空气将处理后的纤维送至喷头,并与喷头周围喷嘴喷出的雾状粘结剂均匀混合后喷于工作面,形成陶瓷纤维喷涂壁衬。 ◎影响陶纤喷涂料使用性能和使用效果的因素有:陶瓷纤维渣球含量、纤维长度、纤维表面覆盖粘结剂的均匀性、锚固件结构、被喷涂表面处理等因素。 ceramic Fibre Spray furnace line is based of application technology of traditional ceramic fibre , learning from refractory powder, pellets injection technology. Cceramic fiber is dealed with special spray equipment, high pressure air senting treated fiber to the nozzle and mixing the adhesive on the surface of fibre to the working face , forming the wall line of ceramic fibre. Factors effecting application effect of ceramic fiber spray coating : shot content of ceramic fibre, fibre length, uniformity of surface coverage binder, anchor structures , treatment of sprayed surface and other factors. 产品分类:Product Series ◎1050陶纤喷涂料 HLGX-170 ◎1260陶纤喷涂料 HLGX-270 ◎陶纤喷涂料 HLGX-370 ◎高铝陶纤喷涂料 HLGX-470 ◎含锆陶纤喷涂料 HLGX-570 1050 Ceramic Fibre Spray Refractory HLGX-170 1260 Ceramic Fibre Spray Refractory HLGX-270 High Purity Ceramic Fibre Spray Refractory HLGX-370 High Aluminum Ceramic Fibre Spray Refractory HLGX-470 High Zirconium Ceramic Fibre Spray Refractory HLGX-570 产品特性:Characteristic ◎低热容量 ◎低热导率 ◎纤维喷涂炉衬整体性好炉衬无接缝,隔热性优良 ◎纤维喷涂炉衬高温结构稳定性优良 ◎施工迅速方便,尤其适用异型部壁衬的施工 Low heat storage Low thermal conductivity Furnace lining is seamless High compressive strength Excellent structure stability Construction quickly and easily, especially for special-shaped wall lining 典型应用:Application 冶金、石化、机械、电力、建材等行业工业窑炉,加热装置壁衬 Furnace lines of various industrial furnace and heating equipment in metallurgy, machine, construction and material, petrol-chemical and ferrous metal industry. 技术指标:Technical Index: 产品名称 Product 火龙陶瓷纤维喷涂料Huolong ceramic fiber spray refractory 分类温度Classification Temperature 1260 1400 产品代码 Code HLGX-170 HLGX-270 HLGX-370 HLGX-470 HLGX-570 加热线变化(%) Shrinkage on Heating (%) 1000℃× 24h≤-3.5 1100℃× 24h≤-3 1350℃× 24h≤-3 1260℃× 24h≤-